Thursday, July 12, 2012

Say What????

Assalamualaikum and a very good day to you all. If I even have my readers with me now.

Yes, its been months since I last update. Last was bout, engagement! Yes, yes, that's it. Now, I am not those B2B blogger and I ain't updating bout my preparation on the wedding cause it's gonna be simple but beautiful nonetheless. Yang penting, Nikah and kami sah di sisi Shariah..waaaaah~!

So, 4 months till D-Day! Nervous, erm, sometimes I feel the nervousness sometimes I felt nothing, I mean not that not excited ke ape, just rasa, "4 bulan, lama lagi..raya dulu~" But many has been asking bout the preparation, "nie dah buat ke?" "tu dah buat ke?" "tok kadi dah book?" "catering?". Semua itu telah dilakukan KECUALI!! the important stuff like HIV test and Permohonan Nikah. Mr. D is very very very busy since the past few months dia busy laa~~ Anyways, hope everything will go on smothly for the both of us.

If asked bout how our relationship lepas dah jadi masing2 punya fiance, I would say, sama jek but more serious than before and the appreciation is more. Gado2 tu of course ada, but not the critical till we didn't talk to each other for days..Biasala, dugaan bertunang..time bertunang nie laa banyak yang akan di duga. It's just how you gonna handle the problem and cope with each other nye temper, and Alhamdulillah we both can understand each other.

Okay, sebenarnya itu semua bukan point for this blog nye topic pun. Takdak point pun sebenarnya, jsut nak say a few words since dah lama mendiamkan diri. Ain't having those philosophical quotes and what not, just a thing or two about this and that and now this entry doesn't make sense. Perenggan atas citer lain, perenggan bawah citer lain.

Ok, am done blabbering bout senseless subject. Bye!! see you in the next couple of months. Silap2 dah selamat diijabkabulkan pun..hehehehe..Ciao!!

And oh.. Awesome awesome story (book + movie)

Thursday, January 19, 2012

New chapter~

Salam and hello..

Wow! its been a month..Sorry, I was a bit busy preparing something2 that could be consider as something new in my life..

First of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!! its day 20 of 2012 and I just wished now..hehehe..again sorry!

I won't be writing much. I would just like to say, I hope this year everything will go smoothly and according to plan..Kita yang merancang, Allah S.W.T yang menentukan segalanya..

Day 15 of 2012, I have a new status, I finally become someone's
fiance <3 So, I was busy preparing and just busy..huhu..

With this new status, I am happy and
preparing myself to start a new beginning and new life with him. Thanks D for accepting all my flaws and still wants me to be your wifey. Cheesy much?? hahahahaha..

And so....Let the journey begin!!