Today, the world has been awaken by a very devastating and sad news on what's been happening around the world. Last month we have earthquake in Christchurch. Yesterday in China, and today, the strongest, out of the 3, of 8.9 maginitude earthquake hit Japan and followed by a Tsunami which are affecting other countries in the Pacific Coast. Many lives had been lost in this natural disaster. I am sure we will here many more soon as the disaster is still happening while I'm typing every letter on this keyboard.
We have been told in al-Quran all the signs of Armageddon, and the things happening now are one of the signs. Riot, natural disaster, and many others are all happening right now. Semua yang berlaku sekarang ini adalah untuk memberi kesedaran kepada kita, sebagai umat Islam dan peringatan bahawa Hari Kiamat semakin hampir. Mengingatkan kita akan kebesaran Allah S.W.T. Ya Allah, apabila melihat video-video dan gambar-gambar di tempat kejadian, Subhanallah, betapa besarnya kuasa Allah itu. Dalam sekelip mata, sebuah negara yang maju itu telah ditenggelami air.
Pada saat-saat inilah, kita sebagai hamba-Nya, perlu membanyakkan amal ibadat tingkatkan keimanan, betaubat kepada-Nya, dan sentiasa la mengingati akan kebesaranNya. Tetapi, apabila keadaan ini berlaku, ada segelintir golongan yang masih lagi tidak sedar akan semua ini. Ada yang sempat lagi berlawak and some being heartless and insensitive towards the unfortunate. Its sad when all these things are happening, there are still some who couldn't care less and being selfish. This is a general statement and not directing it to anyone. Its what I've read of people RT-ing all the jokes and comments bout this disaster.
Can't you see, this world is getting old. All bad things are happening. But for us who live in the safe area, be thankful and always remember Him. Qun Faya Qun (Be! And so it will be!). If Allah tends for it to happen, it will happen no matter where we are. My prayers go out to everyone in Japan and others in the affecting countries. Amin~