Friday, March 11, 2011

Remember..Always remember~

Today, the world has been awaken by a very devastating and sad news on what's been happening around the world. Last month we have earthquake in Christchurch. Yesterday in China, and today, the strongest, out of the 3, of 8.9 maginitude earthquake hit Japan and followed by a Tsunami which are affecting other countries in the Pacific Coast. Many lives had been lost in this natural disaster. I am sure we will here many more soon as the disaster is still happening while I'm typing every letter on this keyboard.

We have been told in al-Quran all the signs of Armageddon, and the things happening now are one of the signs. Riot, natural disaster, and many others are all happening right now. Semua yang berlaku sekarang ini adalah untuk memberi kesedaran kepada kita, sebagai umat Islam dan peringatan bahawa Hari Kiamat semakin hampir. Mengingatkan kita akan kebesaran Allah S.W.T. Ya Allah, apabila melihat video-video dan gambar-gambar di tempat kejadian, Subhanallah, betapa besarnya kuasa Allah itu. Dalam sekelip mata, sebuah negara yang maju itu telah ditenggelami air.

Pada saat-saat inilah, kita sebagai hamba-Nya, perlu membanyakkan amal ibadat tingkatkan keimanan, betaubat kepada-Nya, dan sentiasa la mengingati akan kebesaranNya. Tetapi, apabila keadaan ini berlaku, ada segelintir golongan yang masih lagi tidak sedar akan semua ini. Ada yang sempat lagi berlawak and some being heartless and insensitive towards the unfortunate. Its sad when all these things are happening, there are still some who couldn't care less and being selfish. This is a general statement and not directing it to anyone. Its what I've read of people RT-ing all the jokes and comments bout this disaster.

Can't you see, this world is getting old. All bad things are happening. But for us who live in the safe area, be thankful and always remember Him. Qun Faya Qun (Be! And so it will be!). If Allah tends for it to happen, it will happen no matter where we are. My prayers go out to everyone in Japan and others in the affecting countries. Amin~

Thursday, March 10, 2011

I Don't Wanna Care No More~

It's been the most stressful week for me. Not because of work but because of life. No wait! More like because of people. People who won't let me live my own life peacefully. People who care, but care too much. People who just won't let me be. People who are insensitive with other's feeling.

I said No. It seems like its wrong for certain people. Because I've hurt someone they care. But, I'm thinking bout how I would hurt myself if I forced it. But, some people just don't understand.
Because of selfishness and immaturity, the decision I made is considered as wrong. All I'm asking is just for all of you too respect my decision.

Then I said I don't want to care. But people keep shoving information to my face. I know they care, but please, respect what I'm trying to do. I tweet, I updated my status saying I'm moving on, I'm letting go, meaning, a.k.a, equals to, I don't want to know and I don't want to care anymore. Why should I? Cause when I did, they don't bother, I'm not appreciated, and don't even care bout me, how I feel, how I'm doing.

Enough is enough. I've hurt enough. Don't put more salt on my wound. I want to just live happily. I just want to smile even when things get worse. I'm smiling, but I guess, I'm crying inside. Didn't want to do a sad, bitter entry, but circumstances made me do it.

Hoping for a better days, weeks, months, years to come. It has been a bumpy ride for me.

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Sometimes, when you make a decision, let's say for example, rejecting a proposal or saying no to someone, people will think you're cruel or you're playing with someone else's feeling. But sometimes, people will think so due to you being too reserve, too secretive, and sometimes, they don't know anything, what you've been through. In the end it is better to stay silent than making conclusion out of something that you are unsure about.

Sometimes, when you do something or say something, people will always judge you. People will always have certain perception about you, about your action. But sometimes, it is only your own feeling. It was only you that feel like you've been judged wrongly.

Sometimes, when you care for someone, that person doesn't really care or even bother about you. But, you still care for them. Even when you repeatedly said to yourself "Fine, you don't care about me, so why should I?" In the end, you still do. But sometimes, that person was trying to fight his/her own feeling. Surface and inner, they show different emotions.

Sometimes, all these are just sometimes. But no matter what, believe in yourself. Trust yourself. Forget about what other think about you. Forget about what other are feelings. Let them talk. Let them feel. Let them be. Because in the end, only you know who you really are. In Life, it is in the nature of human to pre-judge things. It can be consider as normal. But, it's either you keep on judging or learn the truth. First impression is almost always wrong.

Sometimes I judged people. Sometimes I jumped to conclusion. Sometimes I said things without thinking, not knowing the truth. I am no saint. But once you realise you're in the wrong, STOP! Don't say another word, just, SHUT UP! Better say nothing than say something that could hurt someone, than say something than could change the situation from bad to worst. And sometimes, I don't give a rat's a$ what other people think about me, because you see, it's my life, so be it~


P/s: To you, if I ever hurt you, jump into conclusion, and sadden you, I'm sorry. For you, I'll keep silent from now on. I'll keep my distance. You won't hear another word from me anymore. I'll back off so you can live better~